xdebug 安装 打开 复制phpinfo的信息到文本框,会返回安装指导: Tailored Installation Instructions Summary Xdebug installed: no Server API: FPM/FastCGI Windows: no Zend Server: no PHP Vers...

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需求 订单完成支付后通知服务器已到账,通知失败则重试,最多3次,第二次5秒后,第三次10秒后 实现方案一 生成任务类 php artisan make:job PaymentNotify 命令将会在app/Jobs目录下生成一个新的类,编辑: < ?php namespace App\...

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添加自定义的 Guard 需要通过Auth门面的extend方法定义自己的认证guard,在App\Providers\AuthServiceProvider的boot方法中实现: public function boot() { this->registerPolicies(); Auth::extend('XXX', f...

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$reward = array( 0=>array('id'=>0,'area'=>35,'prize'=>'金币5000'), 1=>array('id'=>1,'area'=>30,'prize'=>'蓝钻1天'), 2=>array('id'=>2,'area'=>15,'prize'=>'金币20000'), 3=>array('i...

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安装 Composer curl -sS | php  下载完成之后将它放在系统 PATH 中,供全局调用。 mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer 安装 Larave composer create-project laravel/laravel /home/ww...

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I am trying to use the migrate function in Laravel 4 on OSX, however I am getting the error ​Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension. What is wrong, and how can I fix it? I have MAMP installed Use which PHP in the ...

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下载oci8扩展包: cd到解压目录执行phpize,发现错误, 错误提示: Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the $PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable. Then, rerun this...

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/** * 导出数据为excel表格 *@param data    一个二维数组,结构如同从数据库查出来的数组 *@paramtitle   excel的第一行标题,一个数组,如果为空则没有标题 *@param filename 下载的文件名 *@examlpestu = M ('User'); arr =stu -> ...

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